Cole Bardreau
Chief Executive Officer
I have seen first hand how financially demanding the game of hockey can be, as I would not have been able to chase my dreams without the generosity and help of others. My hope with Hockey Buddies is for every young kid to have the opportunity to experience all the gifts that hockey has afforded me regardless of their families financial situation.

Matt Lane
Chief Marketing Officer
Growing up playing youth hockey helped to shape me overall as a person. It allowed me to develop values, lessons, skills, and relationships that play a major role in my life today. To be able to give back to underprivileged children would mean the most to me in helping them secure these same opportunities and experiences.

Reece Willcox
Chief Operating Officer
I’m very grateful for the role hockey has played in my life. It has opened so many doors, introduced me to some terrific people from around the world, and taught me many valuable life lessons along the way. I got involved with Hockey Buddies so I could give back to the hockey community and to help get more underprivileged children participating in our great sport.

Anthony Stolarz
Head of Fundraising
Growing up, hockey was a financial burden on my family. I would not be where I am today without the kindness and generosity of my parents, friends, and community.
Through Hockey Buddies, I hope to pay it forward and provide kids in similar situations with the chance to play with full opportunity.

Nick Gullo
Hockey has always been a huge part of my life. I was drawn to this sport with its fast-paced energy and thrill of the competition. More importantly I’ve built lasting relationships, persevered through adversity, and felt the satisfaction of achieving goals. My hope is that Hockey Buddies can give every kid a chance to experience all of the great things the sport has to offer and can help them reach their goals.
Joey Padmanabhan
While I cannot imagine my life without hockey, the financial burdens of purchasing equipment and paying teams dues were lofty for my family. I hope that through Hockey Buddies, we can help every kid who wants to play the greatest game in the world do so without worrying about the cost of it.